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Offline intelligence can be incredibly powerful. At Cuebiq, we’ve seen firsthand how our mobility data insights can be used for everything from helping public health officials manage crises like COVID-19 to generating insights on economic segregation. We also recognize the great responsibility that comes with protecting user privacy, and that is why we consider some data too sensitive to process for certain purposes. In accordance with our core value of Transparency, we want to make everyone aware of how and why we go to these lengths.

We Think Before We Act

What we refer to as the Sensitive Points of Interest (SPOI) Policy has formed a touchstone for us internally as we evaluate whether to engage in partnerships or activities based upon our privacy-first ethos. The concept is simple — before we determine if we could share data about a particular location, we stop to think about whether we should. While we fully support unlocking the wealth of information that can be gained from measuring the mobility of the world around us, we are also in a unique position to enhance consumer privacy and protect the sanctity of individuals’ private lives. This is just one of many industry-leading steps that we take to protect individual privacy, and we thought it was time that we share it publicly.

We’ve put a great deal of thought into what may make a location sensitive and in what contexts. Some examples of sensitive points of interest include locations where predatory lending may occur, social demonstrations, religious facilities, and military bases. The nature of what makes a location or type of location sensitive is constantly evolving, and so is our approach to the SPOI policy. That is why we regularly review and update the policy to ensure that it remains relevant and reflective of cultural and individual sensitivities.

It’s About Accountability

Does all this mean that we sometimes turn down business opportunities because they don’t meet the standards that we’ve set for our culture and values? Absolutely. We believe that the commitment we’ve made to preserving the privacy of our users is paramount and that the best outcome for everyone is to create an environment where data can be shared in a thoughtful and privacy-compliant manner.

We view the use of location data as a partnership with our users. That is why we go further than our peers in explaining what data we collect, how we will use it, and with whom we will share that data. Ultimately, the user’s informed consent is a handshake deal that we honor by considering how to care for and use their data in respectful ways. The SPOI Policy is one more way that we fulfill that promise. We invite you to review the SPOI Policy and to explore our Privacy Center for additional information.