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Using Data for Good

The Cuebiq Data Platform empowers businesses of all sizes to build and scale custom data solutions. This privacy-first cloud platform leverages human mobility data as its foundation, providing a robust and flexible framework for data-driven decision-making.

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Secure Access to the Answers Society Needs

Cuebiq emphasizes the actionable insights derived from offline measurement through its Data Platform, highlighting features such as daily active users, persistent background collection, and a high percentage of de-identified data from opted-in devices. Cuebiq stands out from the crowd due to its secure access to device-level data.

The Data Platform is also used to research urban dynamics, transportation patterns, and consumer behavior. Over 100 peer-reviewed articles and studies use the Cuebiq Data Platform annually to analyze and address critical societal challenges.

Respected Institutions That Use The Cuebiq Data Platform

World Bank Group Logo
Texas A&M University Logo
John Hopkins University Logo
Politecnico Milano Logo
Cornell University Logo
North Eastern University

Why Experts Partner With Cuebiq For Social Impact

Accelerate Innovation

The Cuebiq Data Platform allows for rapid prototyping and testing of location-based and other data applications.

Minimize Upfront Costs and Risk

The Cuebiq Data Platform eliminates the need for sourcing commitments, security, and storage overhead.

Preempt Ecosystem Changes

The Cuebiq Data Platform enables building and monetizing solutions while adhering to evolving data regulations.

How The Cuebiq Data Platform Works


Define Your Data

Discover high-quality location datasets and combine them with your reports.


Design Your Methodology

Utilize built-in tools and pre-built guides to build custom solutions.


Launch Your Solution

Visualize and extract privacy-safe insights for utilization or monetization.