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After a never-ending last year, it’s finally 2022 — and this new year brings a host of new opportunities. We know that the last few years brought myriad changes, and you may now need to make last-mile tweaks to your measurement campaigns or build custom solutions altogether to address new problems. Not sure where to start? Here are three ways you can evolve your marketing measurement to fit your needs:

1. Incorporate Your Own Measurement Methodology

You are likely familiar with the methodology of your existing measurement partner. But what if your brand has its own approach to defining major methodology components, such as how the control group is defined or how uplift is calculated? It’s time to look for a measurement partner that provides a platform, which will enable you to incorporate your own methodology, so you can create a custom solution that fits your needs. Say, for example, you wanted to define your own baseline for measurement — a flexible measurement solution in a platform environment will enable you to do just that.

2. Build Custom Insights To Optimize Your Media Spend

If you need to gain a deeper understanding of your customer, it may be time to innovate and build your own custom insights. Customizing your queries will allow you to learn more about your customers while still utilizing the underlying components, such as data or exposure methodology, that brought you to the provider in the first place. For example, if you want to know the average number of ad exposures it takes to drive your consumers into a location, you can do a custom analysis using exposure and visitation data to understand what your optimal exposure rate is. Armed with this information, you can tailor your media frequency cap to match the needs of your audience specifically. A flexible platform environment will enable you to use existing measurement assets such as location data, in a way that can inform your future campaign effectiveness.

3. Deliver Campaign Reporting in Customized Formats

When you go to export your data, working in a flexible platform environment will enable you to deliver campaign reporting in a customized format and cadence. Say, for example, that you want a specific channel or analysis to appear first in the report and you want to receive the data every two weeks — you can absolutely do that. 

The opportunities for customization of your measurement solution in a flexible platform environment are limitless. You can customize processes that will make your results more applicable to your respective use cases. In these changing times, it’s important to have a flexible measurement solution that solves your advanced marketing needs.

To learn how Cuebiq can help you customize your measurement solution, chat with an expert on our team.