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The best APIs are simple and clean, predictable and discoverable. But to achieve your business goals, APIs also must be built on best-in-class data quality and meet the highest levels of privacy compliance to protect your brand’s safety. After all, an API is only as useful as the data it is piping in for your brand.

Cuebiq recently launched our own APIs, and you can rest assured that we only use the best quality data for your performance data. In fact, Cuebiq is the only location insights company that can provide the formidable combination of five key data-quality elements to ensure you’re measuring performance from the best data available. Keep reading to find out what they are. 

1. First-Party Data 

At Cuebiq, our commitment to privacy is at the core of everything we do, from establishing an industry-leading Named Consent and privacy framework, to setting the standard when it comes to ethical and responsible data collection. What is Named Consent? Well, Named Consent means that the user knows the name of the company or companies with which their information may be shared PRIOR to providing their consent. In a nutshell, Named Consent is when users are establishing a direct, first-party relationship with those companies through their consent.

Because Cuebiq has direct relationships with our app partners and users through Named Consent, we’ve been able to build the industry’s leading source of first-party location data. A great example of Cuebiq’s Named Consent can be found on our Privacy Center (under the “Consent” tab). First-party data is extremely important when it comes to APIs, because you need to make sure the data is not only of the highest quality but also meets the highest levels of privacy compliance, to protect your brand’s safety.

2. Accuracy at Scale

Cuebiq maintains direct relationships with 100+ app partners that reach a diverse base of 20 million Daily Active Users (DAU), which creates a strong foundation for realistic and actionable insights. Through persistent background collection, we map de-identified users’ mobility every day — an average of 100 points per day. When combined with over two years of historical data, Cuebiq is best positioned to understand consumers’ paths to purchase and measure changes in behavior. Daily counts matter because if you do not see users’ patterns every day, then you can’t have reliable measurement of visitation patterns and offline behaviors. 

3. Representative Data 

You can be sure that Cuebiq’s panel reaches a diverse and statistically relevant sample of the U.S. population — which is key for scalable, actionable insights. Third parties have analyzed our user base confirming the statistical significance of the panel in representing the overall population. In one such study, the University of Washington wanted to validate Cuebiq data as compared to cellular network and in-vehicle GPS data. With a sample of 500k devices, researchers found that Cuebiq data is highly demographically representative, based on a 91% correlation with census population data at the census-tract level.

4. Double-Verified Visits

Because of the scale of our data, 100+ data points per device per day, Cuebiq can understand how much time consumers spend at various locations — what we call dwell time. Using dwell time, we are able to parse actual visits from non-relevant data points, thus, verifying visits. By comparing time spent to the type of POI visited (convenience store vs. movie theater), we are able to distinguish a real visit vs. a person simply walking by.

5. Media-Agnostic Measurement

While many companies claim to be media-agnostic, we believe that when a company both sells and measures media there is a conflict of interest. Cuebiq does not sell media and is not affiliated with a media company. We are 100% media, DMP, and DSP agnostic, with the sole purpose of helping clients understand their brand’s performance.

If you’re interested in learning more about Cuebiq’s APIs, be sure to visit our new developer site.