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If you’ve been following along with our blog, you’ve seen us tout the many benefits of incrementality. As a refresher, incrementality enables you to understand the true impact of your cross-channel advertising. How? It illustrates the incremental impact of your campaigns on driving new visitors to store, rather than just reinforcing those who probably would have visited your store anyway. 

For a deep dive into how exactly incrementality works, be sure to check out our e-book: Visit Incrementality: The Key to the Future of Measurement

Incrementality E-book Thumbnail

Now that you’re familiar with incrementality, you’re probably wondering how you can activate it to your advantage. Here are three ways to implement incrementality in your marketing strategy so you can maximize your return on ad spend.

1. Segment Consumers Based on Channel and Campaign Influence

First up is segmenting consumers based on incremental visits. This is possible with incrementality at the consumer level, as it allows you to understand a campaign’s impact on each consumer. Then, you can drill down on how each channel influenced consumers differently and segment consumers based on how the campaign influenced them. For example, you might see that your campaign drove more incremental visits from mobile ads than TV ads, so you could then adjust your campaign parameters to focus more on mobile in the future. 

What’s more, you can use incrementality to segment your consumers based on how, or if, their behavior changed upon being exposed to a campaign. If consumers respond positively to your campaign and visit your stores, you can segment them based on how much value they have to your brand. For example, you might identify a segment of those who are not yet loyal to your brand but have high potential, based on their response to your messaging.

2. Target Audience Segments With Tailored Messaging

Once you’ve successfully segmented your audience, it’s time to target consumers accordingly. In the above example, it would make sense to retarget the segment who is not yet loyal to your brand, but has demonstrated high potential based on their conversion after viewing your ad. You can also build look-alike audiences based on these criteria to expand your audience targeting in a strategic manner. 

Furthermore, it’s important to realize that while incrementality does highlight those new visitors to your store, it also reveals those who are loyal to your brand. Once you have identified a segment of brand-loyal consumers, you can target them with tailored messaging to retain them and keep them invested in your brand, increasing their lifetime value.

3. Allocate Media Spend Based on Campaign Performance

Finally, you can allocate your media spend based on how it’s driving incremental visits. To start, you can optimize budget allocation by customer segment based on the efficacy of each channel. You can also reallocate spend to those segments you have identified that provide you with the most value, withdrawing spend from those you have found less valuable.

On a more holistic level, you can use offline measurement to see how the campaign is running in real time so that you can optimize it on the fly. Over repeated campaigns, customer-level incrementality also shows the evolution of visits per dollar spent across time. You can decrease your cost per incremental visit (CPIV) while increasing your overall return on ad spend. This means you’ll be using your budget more wisely, all while driving more value.

Ready to activate incrementality? Connect with one of the experts on our team to get started today.