Last Updated: June 28, 2024
Below are the metrics for all privacy rights requests received globally by Cuebiq in the prior calendar year.
Number of Access Requests Received | 35 |
Number of Access Requests Complied With | 15 |
Number of Access Requests Denied (unable to verify identity or no data collected) | 20 |
Number of Erasure Requests Received | 647 |
Number of Erasure Requests Complied With | 336 |
Number of Erasure Requests Denied (unable to verify identity or no data collected) | 311 |
Number of Requests to Opt-out Received | 43,300,141 |
Number of Requests to Opt-out Complied With | 43,159,392 |
Number of Requests to Opt-out Denied. (Opt-out requests are only denied when Cuebiq does not contain any record of the user having shared data or previously opting-in.) | 140,479 |
Mean Number of Days to Respond to Access Requests | 4 |
Mean Number of Days to Respond to Erasure Requests | 5 |
Mean Number of Days to Respond to Requests to Opt-Out | 1 |
¹ “Access requests” correspond to “requests to know” under the CCPA
² “Erasure requests” correspond to “requests to delete” under the CCPA
³ “Respond” corresponds to “substantively responded” under the CCPA